Several years ago a group of members from Western State Vintage Snowmobile Clubs
started getting together to hold informal racing events.  They organized single-cylinder
vintage snowmobile races; more commonly known as “one-lunger racing’.

In 2007 an informal association became known as Track-N-Trail 1 Lunger Snowmobiles.

The events are not for professional racing, but a group of vintage snowmobile enthusiast
just out for a day of fun.   Anyone can participate.

Larry Fitzgerald - Colville, Washington - (509) 684-4858
Howard Briggs, Cle Elum, Washington - (509) 674-7229

In order to participate, TNT-1LS has a basic rule outline participants must comply with.
Each event is conducted by a Race Director that coordinates the race day.

Republic Washington: January 14 - 15

Haugan Montana: January 22

Ronald Washington: March 3

2011 RACE Results

SUNDAY January 23rd, 2011 /Haugan, MONTANA


One Race for the One Lungers in the NW Last Year !


General Rules are applicable to every class.

  1.   Men and women at least 18 years old.
  2.   All drivers must accept decisions of the race official.
  3.   Must be a single cylinder engine.
  4.   Must have working tether switch.
  5.   Mud flap must be within 1" of track surface with driver on sled.
  6.   Headlight must be removed or taped.
  7.   Skis must have loops & be padded with pipe foam.
  8.   Must have hood & seat well attached.
  9.   Pump gas only, no alcohol or nitrous.
10.  400 cc maximum displacements.
11.  Ruff riding will be black-flagged.
12.  No alcohol consumption allowed.
13.  Leaf springs only, no Independent Front Suspension (IFS).

1974 & Older Stock Class
  1.  Can use a chassis that originally came with a twin cylinder engine
       if the sled was available with a single cylinder engine.
  2.  No Arctic Cat EI Tigres, Yamaha GPXs etc.
  3.  Engine & sled must be stock.
  4.  Any clutch or carburetor.
  5.  Stock track or similar replacement.
  6.  Steel skis only.
  7.  No widening spindle center to center.
  8.  3" max ski spreaders stock rear & front suspension.
  9.  Original can-type exhaust may be altered only as needed to get in sled.

78 & Older Tillotson HL/HR or Equivalent Stock Class
  1.  Bogie wheel suspension.
  2.  Tillotson HL, HR, or equivalent carburetor.
  3.  Can use a chassis that originally came with a twin cylinder engine
        if the sled was also available with a single cylinder engine.
  4.  Engine and sled must be stock.
  5.  Stock track, or similar replacement.
  6.  Steel skis only.
  7.  No widening spindle center to center.
  8.  3" max ski spreaders stock rear & front suspension.
  9.  Original can-type exhaust may be altered only as needed to get in sled.

81 & Older Stock Class
1.  Original singles only, stock engine.
2.  Stock exhaust.
3.  Any clutch or carburetor.
4.  Stock steel skis.
5.  Stock Front springs & rear suspension.
6.  Stock track or similar replacement.
7.  No widening, spindle centers 3" spreader max.

74 & Older Modified Class
1.  Engine brand must have been used by that brand of sled
2.  May use any year or cc engine 74 or older 400 cc max
3.  Any engine modifications
4.  Any carburetor or clutch.
5.  Tuner pipes allowed.
6.  Stock rear suspension.
7.  May use aluminum skis.
8.  Stock track or similar replacement.

81 & Older Modified Class
1.  81 & older sled may use any single that brand used.
2.  81 and older, any carburetor or clutch.
3.  Any engine modifications.
4.  Tuner pipes allowed.
5.  Stock rear suspension.
6.  No widening spindle center, 3" spreader max.
7.  May use aluminum skis.

81 & Older Open Modified Class
1.  400 cc single engine.
2.  Any engine modifications.
3.  Any exhaust, clutch & carburetor.
4.  May widen spindle center 6" or use 3" per side ski spreader, but not both .
5.  Any rear suspension 81 or older.


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