TNT One Lungers - Haugan MONTANA

We had a Great Day of Vintage Racing on January 23rd, 2011.
Thanks to The Silver Dollar Bar & Night Riders Snowmobile Club.
Also, special thanks to Mark Sveidsen for grooming the track.

There were a bunch of new competitors this year.
Brian and Rebecca Goodman came all the way from Helena Montana.
Don Reasors' Junk Yard Ski Doo BLIZZARD set the fastest time
down the straight stretches.   A newcomer Larry Krause was looking

fast for his first race, giving Mark Thomas a run for his money.

Look out guys, the Powder Puff Class was strong this year !

Thanks again to everyone that helped out and participated in this years event.
                                                    - Larry Fitzgerald


Boggie Class
James Sodderling        1st            SKI DOO
  Joseph Sodderling       2nd           SKI DOO

74 & Older Stock Class
Mike Meyer                1st            Arctic Cat
Mark Sordsen             2nd          Arctic Cat
Alan Sodderling           3rd          Arctic Cat

75 & Newer Stock Class
Mark Thomas               1st            Yamaha
 Andrew Briggs             2nd          Yamaha
Adam Nelson                3rd           Yamaha

Mark Thomas                1st            Arctic Cat
 Larry Krause                 2nd           Arctic Cat
Howard Briggs              3rd            Yamaha

Donna Hedlund                1st            Yamaha
Rhonda Nelsen                2nd           Yamaha
  Kris Anthony                   3rd            Arctic Cat

10 LAP Darrel Thomas Memorial Race
Andrew Briggs                1st             Yamaha
Donna Hedlund               2nd            Yamaha
      Alan Sodderling             3rd              Arctic Cat